Hello world!

Poppy Cotton (my dog) with snow on her nose.

Here goes.  I did this blogging thing several years ago.  I wrote about my daughters.  And posted pictures of them.  And wrote stories about the stuff they were doing.  My mom read it.  And maybe my mother-in-law.

That was fun, but now I use Facebook to share with them (and 382 of my closest friends).  Plus, now that they’re older (11 and 14), they don’t really want the play-by-play of their first day of school chronicled for all of the internet to read.  But I did enjoy the writing, the sharing of ideas and interests.

The title – just christie – that’s been rolling around in my head for a few years.  So much that I do is for other people. I work all day. I’m a wife.  I’m a mom. I’m a Girl Scout Leader.  I love those roles and they make me who I am.  I also know I need to focus on things that make me happy sometimes. That’s what this is all about – sharing topics that interest me.

With that said, here’s a rundown of some topics you might find here (in no particular order):

  • Product reviews
  • Girl Scout “stuff”
  • Photos of our beloved pet dog, Poppy Cotton
Poppy Cotton (my dog) with snow on her nose.
Oops, I couldn’t resist.  That was a few weeks ago during the big PA Blizzard of 2017.  She loves playing in the snow!

OK…back to my list.

  • Good books I’ve read
  • Craft projects
  • Favorite Recipes
  • Stories about my family
  • Lists of my favorite things – from books to wine and everything in between!

So thank you for stopping in. I hope you come back to visit often.

♥ just christie ♥

One thought on “Hello world!

  1. Happy to read about what interests you and I will always want to hear about what’s happening with the granddaughters!

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